Joseph Barraclough (Mills) Ltd's (a subsidiary of West Yorkshire based Wharfedale Finance) acquisition of the 600 Group Plc's Union Works, Heckmondwike, main factory of 125,000 sq ft on 5.5 acres, completed in 2013, subject to a lease back of approximately 65,000 sq ft subject to a major refurbishment to the exact specification of 600 Group, with terms negotiated by Michael Steel & Co.
Refurbishment of avaialble industrial accommodation is underway to release the first phase of units to let in summer 2014, offered through Michael Steel & Co and their joint agents - further details available from Andrew Steel or Alec Michael.
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4 Carlton Court
Brown Lane West
LS12 6LT
T: 0113 234 8999
F: 0113 234 8899
Property VAT No: 829 6020 26
Plant & Machinery VAT No:
GB 973 3982 73
Plant & Machinery Company No: 672874